If you’re here on this site then you may have this feeling that you are capable of more than what you’re currently doing. You know it’s possible but something inside you is holding you back… Something inside you is keeping you the same as you are right now and stopping you moving towards the changes you want to be making…
Perhaps you’re wondering will this hypnosis thing really help you make the changes you want to have in your life.
Well, that’s where I was a few years back and I can confidently say that hypnosis has helped me remove limiting beliefs and create new positive habits that have empowered me to make changes that have changed the direction of my life in a positive way.
Anthony Irwin has been fully trained and has Government Accredited Tertiary Qualifications...
- Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy
- Diploma of Business
- Diploma of Marketing
I believe you deserve the best service possible and that is why I sought out comprehensive training in Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy to be able to provide you with the best possible Hypnotherapy and Coaching services available.
Many practitioners trained in hypnosis were trained in hypnosis as part of a larger course such as Neuro Linguistic Programming and may have received a day or two of specific hypnosis training at most.
I have done a dedicated course in Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy with the Institute of Applied Psychology that is a Government Accredited Tertiary Qualification that exceeds the education and training requirements of all Hypnotherapy Associations that are recognised by the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia the peak industry body in Australia for Hypnotherapy.